Humber College BLDG Nx Deep Energy Retrofit

The Humber College BLDG Nx, originally the North Campus Library, is now part of a thriving, growing interconnected complex of student academic and administrative buildings with a demonstrated mandate of deep energy retrofits. BLDG Nx is undergoing a renovation to EnerPHit standards, the first institutional renovation to Passivhaus standard in North America. The building is receiving a total recladding, and systems upgrade. New building systems includes VRF Air-Source Heat Pump (30-ton), DOAS ERV ventilation (CO2 operated, Passivehouse Certified), 25kW PV Array and advanced lighting controls upgrade. All these measures designed to bring the total EUI down to 64 kWh/m2/yr. The project is also submitting for zero carbon certification from the CaGBC Zero Carbon Framework.



Project Team

B+H Architects Principal-in-Charge: Kevin Stelzer; Project Architect: Kevin Pu; Designer: Krystyna Ng

Structural, Envelope, Mechanical, Electrical, Structural, Code, Passivehouse Consulting: Morrison Hershfield; Energy Simulation: RDH

4,900 m2

Area of Work


9 million

New Energy


Total Energy Usage Intensity: 64 kWh/m2/yr

Enclosure: Walls: R-43 (imperial); Roof: R-60 (imperial); Windows U-0.85 (PH Certified);


Humber College