Images by Toni Hafkenscheid Photography

Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation

The Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI) is the University of Windsor Flagship Engineering Facility, that showcases the most advanced in engineering teaching and research. It is an interactive, continuously evolving tool for learning, having been built to feature a variety of structures and systems that demonstrate engineering excellence to students firsthand.



Project Team

B+H Architects Principal-in-Charge: Kevin Stelzer; Project Manager: Alan Fraser

Energy, Structural: Halsall Engineering; Mechanical: Smith + Andersen; Electrical: Crossey Engineering; Code: LRI; Acoustical: Aercoustics; Hardware: UCSH; Local Design Architect: Di Maio Design Associates

28,710 m2

Area of Work


112 million


Ontario Concrete Awards: Institutional Building Award 2014

University of Windsor


The CEI is an interactive, continuously evolving tool for learning, having been built to feature a variety of structures and systems that demonstrate engineering excellence to students firsthand. Select major components include:

  • Interactive Flexible Teaching Platform Auditorium. A reconfigurable 350-seat auditorium to encourage student interaction and group learning.

  • High Performance Sustainable Systems and Technologies, like hollowcore concrete plank terminal air delivery, extensive energy recovery ventilation, 3-storey bio-filter wall, planted roof terrace with in-situ measurement, ultra-high efficiency LED lighting with advanced controls and much more.

  • A “living building” that is wired for student study – bringing engineering to life through real-time monitoring of the expansive green roof, cross-atrium bridge structures and HVAC performance. A combination of exposed structure and monitored systems designed to exhibit construction concepts and illustrate engineering principles through environmentally friendly technologies.

  • Industrial Courtyard Technology Incubator that provides high-bay and modular space for private research to work in tandem with academic resources and initiatives.

  • ISO6 & ISO7 Clean Room Laboratory for integrated chip manufacturing

  • Advanced Structural Laboratory with unique 4 storey high Strong Wall and Strong Floor to test large building structures in place.

Images by Toni Hafkenscheid Photography